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Hope is a Drug

PEOPLE randomly appear in my life and attempt to dissuade me from living authentically. They’re often strangers or relatives that I barely know. They communicate their lies through whispered words at a family events, sly comment at a parties, or even casual remarks made while cooking holiday dinners. Oh, the programming is so very clever to use guilt or shame to push buttons. On the other side of things, I also have helpful people show up, such as the woman on the bus who commented that I really should make up with my mother, she was feeling hurt by something I said. (This was a complete stranger to whom I’d never spoken.) Or, that time a person in a grocery store smiled at me handsomely and knowingly when I was down. According to my ex-husband, there was no one there. Angels and demons are everywhere, possessing people or just walking on by. I have seen possession first hand and it is not nice. For most of life I’ve seen people standing by the roadside, simply watch

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